Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Download Program buat programming Java, NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 dan JDK

Bagi yang mau belajar java silahkan download dulu programnya ya.. Kita membutuhkan program netbeans IDE untuk mmebuat program java. Link download nya.... disini gan..
NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 Download

Bagi yang belum punya java development kit nya daripada ribet langsung download disini

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Error PB (Point Blank) ada file patch yang korup, silahkan coba beberapa saat lagi [0x82000027]

Error PB (Point Blank) ada file patch yang korup, silahkan coba beberapa saat lagi [0x82000027]

Game Point Blank (PB) anda error kaya diatas? hemm kebanyakan pake cheat tuww... he he he
hayo pake cheat apa? RPE?? masmed? wallhack? banyak yg kesisipan virus-virus... so be carefull.. paling enak di Deepfreeze sekalian PB ne he3 pusing khan?? mo pinter cheat musti berani resiko pusing kompie nya rewel :P GM PB aje ditanyain di forum nya belum bisa ngasi solusi... payah dech... :P kerja yang bener donk gan... Solusinya... PB ada file yg korup, pake komputer yg normal maen pb, file "pb config.exe" nya dicopykan ke komputer yg pb ne error. cuma kudu manual copas gitu terus tiap kompi hidup.. ituw gara2 da bbrp virus yg ter include di cheat pb. kalo mo dunlut pb config ni linknya DOWNLOAD HERE

CHANNEL 4: Japan's Tsunami How It Happened 2011 WS PDTV XviD-FTP

CHANNEL 4: Japan's Tsunami How It Happened 2011 WS PDTV XviD-FTP
English | 00:46:54 | Xvid | 624x352 | 25.00fps 1500 Kbps | MP3 121 Kbps 48.0khz | 548MB
Genre: Documentary

Documentary exploring the scientific factors behind the magnitude 9 earthquake and the resultant tsunami that struck Japan on March 11. Professor of geological sciences Roger Bilham views the effects of the devastation from the air, and journalist Callum Macrae travels to the north of the country, where survivors in the fishing villages Sendai and Ofunato are struggling to cope in the aftermath

On Friday 11 March 2011, an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale triggered a tsunami that devastated parts of coastal Japan.

Japan's Tsunami: How It Happened investigates the science behind the earthquake and tsunami. The programme follows Professor of Geological Sciences Roger Bilham - who arrived in Japan days after the earthquake struck - as he sets off to view the devastation from the air.

The earthquake moved Japan 12 feet closer to the USA. The earth was knocked off its axis and the rate of the earth's rotation was changed. This was one of the biggest earthquakes ever measured; the ground along the east side of Japan dropped by almost 10 feet, making the tsunami catastrophic.

The documentary also follows renowned journalist Callum Macrae as he travels to the north, where the towns of Sendai and Ofunato used to be bustling fishing villages. Here he views the destruction first hand and meets the locals struggling to cope in the aftermath.

Japan lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire where the Pacific Ocean plates meet the land. The ocean floor dives beneath the volcanic chain of islands that make up Japan. And when the tension builds up between the two plates the energy is released as a massive earthquake.

The programme provides the science and analysis to explain why this happened where it did, and why it was so devastating, hearing from the scientists at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii who tracked the deadly wave as it raced across the pacific, and scientists at the Tsunami research facility in Oregon who study the dynamics of earthquake-generated Tsunamis.

As Japan is lives with the consequences of this terrible force of nature, the film reveals how it has changed the country forever.

Download (Hotfile)

Mirror (Fileserve):

Mirror (Filesonic):

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Antara anugerah dengan musibah...

Jika anda mendapatkan sebuah jabatan presiden, menteri apakah itu yang dimaksud anugerah??
Dan jika anda dipecat dari pekerjaan, kehilangan barang yang anda sayangi apakah itu yang disebut musibah??
Mungkin dari kacamata duniawi banyak orang akan berpendapat seperti itu.
Tapi kita akan melihat musibah dan anugerah dari kacamata islam copas dari pengajian selasa pagi mnc tv Nikmatnya sedekah Oleh Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur 22 Maret 2011.

Sebuah anugerah adalah segala hal yang kita dapatkan membuat kita dekat dan semakin dekat dengan Allah. Jadi seandainya kita mendapatkan halangan kehilangan, dipecat dari pekerjaan tapi kita tetap dekat dengan allah itu bukanlah sebuah musibah tetapi anugerah.
Lalu apa pula yg di maksud dengan musibah??

Musibah adalah jika kita mendapatkan sesuatu tapi malah menjadikan kita jauh dari allah.
Sebuah jabatan yg tinggi kadang menyebabkan seseorang terlena, walau dalam kacamata dunia itu dipandang sangat menawan dan menjadi incaran semua orang. Akan tetapi kalau kita tidak waspada akan menjadikan kita lalai dari mengingat allah. Setalah mendapatkan jabatan malah terlalu sibuk dengan urusan pekerjaan hingga melalaikan sholat misalnya, itu sangatlah tidak kita harapkan.
Sesibuk apapapun kita hendaknya tetap harus dan wajib mendekatkan diri pada allah.

Video doa yusuf mansyur
(maaf pake hape butut kualitas kurang bagus)

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Film "The Arrivals" subtitle Indonesia


The Arrivals_teks indonesia “The Arrivals” (Kedatangan),adalah sebuah film seri dokumenter indie produksi Noreagaa dan Achernahr. Sangat memberikan pencerahan dan dapat membuka mata kita serta meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap apa yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi di sekeliling kita. Segala bentuk propaganda, fitnah dan kebohongan yang terjadi di dunia yang sedang dibangun untuk menuju kepada sistim “Tatanan Dunia Baru”(New World Order),akan di bongkar di seri ini. Juga menyelidiki tentang akhir zaman,kedatangan dajjal (antichrist-dalam literatur barat),Imam Mahdi a.s dan Nabi Isa a.s (Yesus) berdasarkan nubuat lintas keyakinan.

Link mediafire gan.. so enjoy your downloading.. fast n support resume + parallel download

Part 1 The Arrivals pt.01 (Proof from the Holy Quran)
Part 2 The Arrivals pt.02 (Mind Control featuring George Carlin)
Part 3 The Arrivals pt.03 (Children's Mind Control)
Part 4 The Arrivals pt.04 (Proof of the Antichrist's arrival)
Part 5 The Arrivals pt.05 (Architecture Energy)
Part 6 The Arrivals pt.06 (Architecture Energy)
Part 7 The Arrivals pt.07 (Architecture Energy)
Part 8 The Arrivals pt.08 (Architecture Energy)
Part 9 The Arrivals pt.09 (Architecture Energy)
Part 10 The Arrivals pt.10 (Architecture Energy)
Part 11 The Arrivals pt.11 (Architecture Energy)